Shiba Inu Fanciers of Southern California
The AKC Licensed Shiba Inu Club of Southern California
Upcoming Events

- Dog Expo at the Silver Bay Kennel Club ShowAll-day
- Dog Expo at the Silver Bay Kennel Club Show – CopyAll-day
Click event for more information
- Enter SFSC and SSNSA shows on 1/2 & 1/3 here:
- Enter KCPS shows on 1/4 & 1/5 here:
Club Blog
Shiba Fanciers of Southern California
Club Objectives
(a) to encourage and promote quality in the breeding of purebred Shiba Inu and to do all possible to bring their natural qualities to perfection and to urge the ethical and humane treatment of Shiba Inu by all club members.
(b) to urge members and breeders to accept the standard of the breed as approved by The American Kennel Club as the only standard of excellence by which Shiba Inu will be judged.
(c) to do all in its power to protect and advance the interests of the breed by encouraging sportsmanlike behavior at dog shows under the rules and regulations of The American Kennel Club.
(d) to conduct sanctioned matches, specialty shows, and any other event for which the club is eligible under the Rules and Regulations of The American Kennel Club.
Shiba Inu Fanciers of Southern California (SFSC) is an American Kennel Club licensed Specialty Club, under the guidance of the National Shiba Club of America.